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Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation

  • 4 December 2024 - 6 December 2024
  • University of Padua | Spazio 35, Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano (via Altinate, 71) | Sala Sante Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli (via del Vescovado, 30) - Padua
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DESCRIPTION:Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation // University of Padua // Spazio 35, Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano (via Altinate, 71) //  Sala Sante Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli (via del Vescovado, 30) - PaduaSTATUS:CONFIRMED
SUMMARY:Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation

How can philosophy produce change? In what ways can it be communicated? What role can it play in education for thinking?

The international conference Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation / Filosofia tra (auto)critica e trasformazione seeks to answer these questions, exploring their impact in different areas: school, university, public space, life and career.

This conference is the conclusive event of the InRatio project that has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101025620.

The conference combines tools from the different philosophical areas that have converged into the project. They are: classical German philosophy, contemporary metaphilosophy, feminist (meta)philosophy and philosophy of education. The conference will include different formats: talks, philosophical biographies, round tables and book presentations.


Giovanna Miolli


Valentina Bortolami, Vittoria Brugnolaro, Francesco Campana, Edoardo Filippi, Alejandro Gordillo-García, Riccardo Greggio, Federica Gregoratto, Luca Illetterati, Giulia La Rocca, Aïcha Liviana Messina, Michela Maffei, Francesca Maggini, Jacopo Marchioro, Giovanna Miolli, Clara Mogno, Sandra Viviana Palermo, Pablo Pulgar Moya, Giovanni Realdi, Davide Romanello, Giulia Siviero, María Jimena Solé, Amelia Vietri, Matteo Zandegù.


Italian, Spanish, English



Ricostruire senza istruzioni (Rebuilding without instructions): activity in collaboration with the Progetto Giovani Office of the Municipality of Padua and the Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei of Selvazzano Dentro (PD).

This session will feature the participation of philosophy professor Giovanni Realdi and eight students who completed their study cycle at the Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei (Selvazzano Dentro, PD) in July 2024. The group will present the critical-reflexive project ‘Gener(e)azioni’ they initiated following the feminicide of Giulia Cecchettin. Assembly moments of discussion with the audience are planned.

University: Talks

Scholars will present their perspectives on the following questions:
1) Is it possible to teach and learn philosophy? If so, how?
2) What does it mean to produce ‘critique’ in philosophy? And what criticisms should philosophy address to itself?
3) How can we transform the way we think and practice philosophy? Is it important and/or necessary to do so?

University: Book Presentation

Sandra Viviana Palermo & María Jimena Solé, ¿Aprender la filosofía o aprender a filosofar? Idea, transmisión y tarea de la filosofía en Kant, Fichte, Schelling y Hegel (Buenos Aires, Ragif 2024)

In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant states that philosophy cannot be learnt, except historically. As far as reason is concerned – he argues – one can only, at best, learn to philosophise. This book begins by examining Kant’s statement and his reasons, to then reconstruct the positions held by Fichte, Schelling and Hegel. Given the complex conceptual framework that Kant weaves around the terms philosophy, philosophising and learning, these thinkers’ perspectives provide keys to reflecting on the problem of philosophy’s transmission, as well as its political and cultural role. Moreover, they offer conceptual tools to question the sharp distinction between the history of philosophy as mere passive repetition and philosophy as creative endeavour. In this way, the book invites us to reflect, together with major representatives of classical German philosophy, on the notion of philosophy, the possibility of its teaching and its task in relation to its own historical time.

University and Public Space: Round Tables – Crossing Philosophical Borders

How can philosophy act beyond academic spaces and contribute to collective social change? How can it make itself understood without giving up complexity? How can it work together with other disciplines? Scholars will discuss their views on how philosophy can be transformed and communicated, engaging in dialogue with the broader society.

Life and Career: Philosophical Biographies

Why do we do philosophy? What theoretical problems urgently challenge us? What obstacles have we encountered in our philosophical journey? What would we like to change about the way philosophy is practiced in academia today? Scholars will dialogue about their “philosophical biographies”, answering these 4 questions.

Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation


December 4, 2024

Spazio 35, Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano; Via Altinate, 7 - Padua


9:30-10:00 | Introduction (Giovanna Miolli)

Ricostruire senza istruzioni. Un progetto a scuola, ma dal basso (Rebuilding without instructions. A project at school, but a bottom-up one)

The session is organised in collaboration with the Progetto Giovani Office of the Municipality of Padua and the Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei of Selvazzano Dentro (PD).

Presentation by the group that realised the Gener(e)azioni project: Vittoria Brugnolaro, Edoardo Filippi, Riccardo Greggio, Michela Maffei, Francesca Maggini, Jacopo Marchioro, Davide Romanello, Giovanni Realdi, Matteo Zandegù

10:00-10:15 | Giovanni Realdi, Gener(e)azioni – La filosofia fuori di sé (Philosophy out of itself)

10:15-10:25 | Gener(e)azioni Group, Morning schedule and introduction to the assembly moments

10:25-11:15 | Gener(e)azioni Group, Did It Really Affect Us? Assembly moment

11:15-11:30 | Break

11:30-12:00 | Gener(e)azioni Group, Project chronicle, with data, reflections and perplexities

12:00-13:00 | Gener(e)azioni Group, Costruire fuori di sé (Building outside oneself) Dialogue with the assembly based on the principles emerged

13:00-15:00 | Lunch

December 4, 2024

Sala Sante Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli; Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padua


15:00-16:00 | María Jimena Solé (University of Buenos Aires), Cómo transmitir lo que no se puede enseñar: la educación para el idealismo en J.G. Fichte

16:00-17:00 | Sandra Viviana Palermo (University of Pavia), “L’interessante individualità della filosofia”. Hegel e la distinzione kantiana tra filosofia e filosofare

17:00-17:30 | Break


17:30-19:00 | Philosophical Biographies:

Valentina Bortolami (University of Padua/ Brock University/ University of Granada)

Alejandro Gordillo-García (University of Padua)

December 5, 2024

Sala Sante Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli; Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padua


9:30-10:30 | Aïcha Liviana Messina (Diego Portales University), Tres casos críticos de la actitud crítica: Foucault, Butler, Sócrates

10:30-11:30 | Giovanna Miolli (University of Padua/ Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina), Metafilosofia femminista: che cos’è e perché ne abbiamo bisogno

11:30-12:00 | Break

12:00-13:00 | Francesco Campana (University of Padua/ The New School for Social Research), La rappresentazione artistica come rappresentanza politica

13:00-15:00 | Lunch

15:00-16:00 | Federica Gregoratto (University of Lucerne), Depression. Notes for a Critical Social Philosophy

16:00-16:30 | Break


16:30-18:00 | Round Table – Crossing Philosophical Borders (1):

Next Generation Group of Unipd’s Elena Cornaro Centre, Formare un gruppo di ricerca interdisciplinare e femminista: identità, pratiche e decolpevolizzazione

Speakers: Valentina Bortolami, Giulia La Rocca, Giovanna Miolli, Clara Mogno, Amelia Vietri

December 6, 2024

Sala Sante Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli; Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padua


11:30-13:00 | Presentation of the book: ¿Aprender la filosofía o aprender a filosofar? Idea, transmisión y tarea de la filosofía en Kant, Fichte, Schelling y Hegel (Buenos Aires, Ragif 2024)

The book’s authors Sandra Viviana Palermo and María Jimena Solé will dialogue with Giovanna Miolli

13:00-15:00 | Lunch


15:00-16:30 | Round Table – Crossing Philosophical Borders (2):

Giulia Siviero (Il Post), La filosofia delle donne, approfittando dell’assenza 

Luca Illetterati (University of Padua), Far lavorare le parole

16:30-16:45 | Break


16:45-18:15 | Philosophical Biographies:

Giulia La Rocca (University of Ljubljana/ University of Padua)

Pablo Pulgar Moya (Diego Portales University)

18.15-18.30 | Closure