If alone you can think well, together you can do better. On this page you will find all the collaborations that enrich the OUT of the ROOM project and its activities.
The voices around the table are many: research and working groups, universities, schools, publishers, institutions, and foundations.
Research Groups
hegelpd – Classical German Philosophy. University of Padova Reasearch Group
The international Classical German Philosophy research group at the University of Padua is coordinated by Luca Illetterati, Francesca Menegoni, Luca Corti and Gabriele Tomasi. It carries on a tradition started fifty years ago by Franco Chiereghin. The group’s research topics are mainly divided into five thematic areas: (1) metaphilosophy; (2) the concept of nature and its connection to the notion of normativity; (3) the nature of knowing; (4) artwork ontology and the relationship between art and philosophy; (5) the structure of action.
Its website is a space for sharing resources. It provides updated news about events, workshops, conferences, calls for papers, publications and bibliographies related to Classical German Philosophy, as well as events involving the research group.
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos
The Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos (SEH) is research association, a dissemination medium and a study centre for all those interested in the work of Hegel (1770-1831), his contemporaries and commentators. The centre aims to serve as a forum and incentive mainly for Spanish-speaking thinkers who work on Hegel’s thought and its place both in classical German philosophy and in the history of philosophical thought.
Hegel Austral Research Group
The group is based in Santiago de Chile (Universidad Diego Portales); coordinator: Prof. Pablo Pulgar Moya.
Research Group on Classical German Philosophy based at the Universidad de Buenos Aires
Coordinator: Prof. María Jimena Solé.
Grupo de Estudios Hegelianos based at the Universidad de Buenos Aires
Coordinators: Prof. Miguel Herszensbaun & Prof. Hugo A. Figueredo Núñez.
Next Generation CEC Research Group
It is a section of the Elena Cornaro Centre for Knowledge, Cultures and Gender Politics of the University of Padua. This interdisciplinary group was formed in 2022 and involves Unipd’s scholars dealing with gender issues transversally.
Research Centres
Center for Metaphilosophical Research
The Center for Metaphilosophical Research aims at developing an international research network in the field of metaphilosophy. The overall goal is to foster theoretical inquiry into philosophy, its nature and methods, for a better understanding of philosophy and a better philosophical practice. One of the current major tasks of the Center is the edition of the first general handbook in metaphilosophy, which will be published by Springer/Metzler. The CMPHR will also organize public events in metaphilosophy.
University centres and institutions
Social Commitment Service / Dirección de Compromiso Social y Extensión (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina)
The Social Commitment Service at UCA is a university centre that implements the university’s third mission by focusing on development projects to address societal challenges.
Centro de Estudios de Literatura Comparada Maiorana (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina)
Instituto del Cultura Universitaria (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina)
Cultural and Philosophical Associations
Verifiche. Associazione di Studi Filosofici
This philosophical Association is based in Padua and continues the activity of the “Associazione Trentina di scienze umane”, founded in 1972. It promotes cultural initiatives related to philosophy and implements philosophical workshops for children and adolescents.
Social actors and policy makers
Ufficio Progetto Giovani Padova
Progetto Giovani is the office of the Mayor’s Cabinet of the City of Padua that offers services, initiatives and activities aimed at young people aged 15 to 35. The main services provided concern active job search, support for youth creativity, international mobility and activities to enhance the territory.
Claudia Bertazzo
Claudia Bertazzo is Brand Strategy Senior Specialist for Imaginars.
Donostia Web Agency
Donostia is a network of freelancers working in digital communication and marketing.