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On this page you will find academic publications related to the research projects that belong to OUT of the ROOM. The areas of study in which I work are communicating vessels that dialogue with each other: this is because exploring problems from multiple perspectives makes it possible to articulate a richer and more interesting response. These areas are: feminist (meta)philosophy, contemporary metaphilosophy, classical German philosophy (especially Hegel) and philosophy of education. Some key words and questions guide me in my research:

  • EDUCATION. What role does philosophy play in education and society?
  • CRITIQUE AND TRANSFORMATION. How does philosophy contribute to critical activity and the promotion of new ways of thinking that result in new ways of acting?
  • CHANGE. What revolution have feminist theorizations (and anti-oppressive theories in general) brought about outside and inside philosophy?
  • LIMITS AND FUTURE. What are the limits of philosophy and in what ways can it improve?
  • RELATIONSHIP. What relationship does philosophy have with other disciplines?
  • PRACTICES AND MATERIAL CONDITIONS. How should we consider the gender gap in philosophy as an academic discipline? What are the material conditions in which philosophy is practiced and what can we change? How do these material conditions affect philosophical theories?

Nella postdisciplinarità attraverso Hegel: per una filosofia critico-trasformativa

In Attraverso il sistema, Criticità e guadagni teorici del pensiero hegeliano a 250 anni dalla nascita, pp. 341-371. Ed. by Giulia Battistoni and Francesco Campana. Napoli: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Press, 2024.

By Giovanna Miolli

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Obliquity in Question: Method, Transformation, and Metaphilosophical Implications

In “Book Symposium on Angelica Nuzzo’s Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett.” Ed. by Giovanna Luciano. «Verifiche», 51 (1-2), 2022, pp. 349-358.

By Giovanna Miolli

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Hegel in Dialogue with Contemporary Metaphilosophy

In The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy, pp. 477-496. Ed. by Luca Illetterati and Giovanna Miolli. London-New York-Dublin: Bloomsbury, 2022.

By Giovanna Miolli

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Why Hegel’s Metaphilosophy Matters: An Introduction

In The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy, pp. 1-14. Ed. by Luca Illetterati and Giovanna Miolli. London-New York-Dublin: Bloomsbury, 2022.

By Luca Illetterati and Giovanna Miolli

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