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Young thinkers workshop

Doing philosophy requires training. Like many other things, it is about practicing a little every day: we need to become familiar with the philosophical tools available, rehearse proper argumentation over and over again, learn to question what seems obvious to us, so that we can eventually create new tools and ideas. On this page you will find educational workshops dedicated to students from primary and secondary schools and their teachers.

Our philosophical workshops explore different topics, but they always have 3 goals in common: to sharpen critical thinking, to stimulate the imagining of alternative answers to the problems we face, and to practice the ability to dialogue and to listen.

The main topics are:

  • philosophy and active citizenship
  • education in the relationship with the environment and living beings
  • correct and carefully organized reasoning
  • education in dialogue, constructive communication and listening
  • philosophy as a means of personal and collective transformation
  • distributive justice as a tool for spreading rights and equity