Just for whom? Thinking and practising distributive justice together
This programme addresses the issue of social inequality in public and epistemic spaces, and aims to develop shared proposals for social transformation towards fairer conditions.
Theoretical framework
The theoretical background of this programme is mainly provided by feminist educational theories (in particular bell hooks’ proposal), intersectional feminist perspectives and research on feminist metaphilosophy.
Since 2023 Just for Whom? has been integrated into Unipd’s scheme for Active Orientation in the School-University Transition activities.
Research projects involved
- InRatio Project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101025620; PI: Giovanna Miolli).
Just for Whom? is a collective experiment to imagine a fairer society starting from the contexts in which we live.
It is a philosophical journey that addresses the issue of distributive justice in a critical, creative and empathic way.
It addresses the problem of social inequalities in two areas: the distribution of public space and epistemic spaces (i.e. spaces for the production of thought and knowledge).
Just for Whom? is based on the dialogic and learning-by-doing method. It includes collective discussions, work in smaller groups and activities focusing on empathy and telling others’ stories.