Thinking is a superpower. It helps us question what we take for granted, it’s a tool to transform ourselves as individuals and as a community. Doing philosophy is exactly that: dealing with thought in a very intimate and challenging way; in other words, it’s about knowing and using that superpower.
Yet when we think about philosophy and the people who do it, our imagination runs far away: to worlds lost in the past, austere university halls, and books that are inaccessible to most people. Why? Well, for so many reasons: different uses of language, different audiences, technicalities, lack of familiarity with handling complex arguments, just to give a few examples.
But how then, in reality, can philosophy produce change? In what ways can it be communicated? What role can it play in education for thinking?
OUT OF THE ROOM seeks to answer these questions. How? By translating the results of academic research into useful tools for teachers, students, educators, and anyone who thinks that philosophical practice should permeate society to transform it (for the better!)
Here you will find:
Check out the interdisciplinary educational programme "Historias que nos transforman" (Stories that transform us)
This interdisciplinary programme
focuses on the processes of personal and collective transformation through knowledge.It combines philosophical and literary tools and contents, and was developed according to the Service-Learning (aprendizaje y servicio) approach, also incorporating the Philosophy for Children methodology.
Last publication
¿Quién piensa en concreto? Una apuesta hegeliana por la concreción de la filosofía (forthcoming 2025)
In G.W.F. Hegel. Estudios críticos. Ed. by Milton Abellón. Quito: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Central del Ecuador e Fundación Filosófica.
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Historias que nos transforman (Stories That Transform Us)
Discover the labLast event
Latest Blog Article
Philosophical Biographies: Alejandro Gordillo-García, ‘New user accessing thought’s operating system’
21 January 2025
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